"Train hard AND smart"


Ranking at national championships
1st    1x (2017)
2nd  5x (2011; 2017; 2023; 2023; 2023)
3rd   2x (2022; 2023)


Personal records outdoor (track):

22-4-18 800m 1.56,62 Valkenswaard
02-06-18 1500m 3.51,80 Oordegem
4-08-18 3000m 8.18,04 Kessel-Lo
22-08-21 5000m 14.14,54 Shifflange

Personal records outdoor (road):

09-02-25 5000m 14:09  Schoorl doorkomst 5km
09-02-25 10.000m 28:38 Schoorl 10km
16-02-25 Half marathon 1:02:00 Barcelona

Appearences in (Dutch) media

  • 5-4-18 Interview with L1 before the 5km at the Groene Loper run 2018
  • 3-3-17 Interview with L1 before the 10km at the Parelloop 2017 and some footage during the run.
  • 13-2-17 Interview with L1 after my gold medal at the national championship indoor 3000m.
  • 22-5-16 Interview with Losse Veter after Nijmegen Global Athletics

Video's trainingcamp

Video's of competitions

Appearences in newspapers/magazines

Running clinics

I have given multiple running clinics for companies and also personal running training to recreational and elite athletes

Random running images

Dutch national champion indoor 3000m running 2017

Track training session intervals 8-4-16 with three athletes in Maastricht

Track session 8-4-16

Bas Van Hooren running front view and red shirt during ground contact

Road training session 2016

Dutch cross-country championships 2017

My sponsors